Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Tracker Response files not found (Tracker.exe)

Few Days Back while building one of the project we were getting below error continuously.

On looking in to msdn we finally got the workaround solution for this issue.

Edit the build definition (Team Explorer => solution => builds => (select your build definition) right click Edit Build Definition => Process (on left) => 3. Advanced => under MSBuild Arguments paste the following:



Here are words from MSBuild Developer from Microsoft.

The trigger for the error is that the GenerateResource task must be run during the build in such a way that we embed FileTracker (a tool we have been using for up-to-date check) in the process itself -- when targeting 4.0, when targeting 3.5 on a 32-bit machine, or when targeting 3.5 on a 64-bit machine when running 64-bit MSBuild.

To work around the error, you can either set TrackFileAccess=false, as has already been observed, or if you're on a 64-bit machine and targeting 3.5 exclusively, the error should also go away if you start using 32-bit MSBuild instead.

TrackFileAccess=false works around the error by turning off the use of FileTracker; the downside is that that means the you will no longer be able to use FileTracker-based up-to-date check, so your VS 2010 C++ projects and your GenerateResource task invocations will now always build, even when there have been no changes -- the latter generally causing a cascading rebuild for the managed compilers as well, since they consume the .resources files.

Sara Joiner
Developer, MSBuild

For more Info you can visit below links.

Feel free to provide your comments and suggestion.
MD. Jawed

NetTcpPortSharing service: failed to start the service

Few Days back when I was running and build, it started throwing an exception as:
The TransportManager failed to listen on the supplied URI using the NetTcpPortSharing service: failed to start the service because it is disabled.
An administrator can enable it by running 'sc.exe config NetTcpPortSharing start= demand'..
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot start service NetTcpPortSharing on computer '.'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
To enabled, run the following command in console windows as mention in the error log
sc.exe config NetTcpPortSharing start= demand


To disable it, run the following command in a console window.
sc.exe config NetTcpPortSharing start= disabled

And after that run you build once again. I'm sure it would not throw any error next time.

Md. Jawed

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Add an Alert on TFS when a build failed or partially succeeded

To get the notification related to your build you have launched the Team Foundation Build Notification tool to have a small popup alert every time a build finishes and starts.
But now you would like to go a bit further and receive a mail with the build result every time a build fails (or let's say do not succeed).
Use the TFS' alerts
The Team Foundation Server includes a powerful alert system, but by default, you cannot do so many things.

Use the Team Foundation Server Power Tools
If the Project Alerts does not allow so many things, the underlying alert system is very powerful. And you can use the Team Foundation Server Power Tools  that allow a very fine control of the alerts.

You can then create a new rule like the following one : 

Note that for the Send To field, you can either indicate an account name, or an email address. In the case of an account name, this corresponds to an AD account, and you must have configured the email address of that person in the Active Directory.


Build Failed with an error as SGEN: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). SGEN: Internal compiler error (0xc00000fd) SGEN: Out of memory

One of the build were continuously failing with an error as

But in other hand the same build were getting succeeded on 32 bits Build agent machine.
Then we triggered the same build on our other 62 bits Build agent and we found that all 62 bits build agent are giving the same error while compiling this build.
And finally we came to this conclusion that the versioning of MSBUILD.exe which is creating an issue not the Build agent machine.
It means to run the same build with green we have to trigger the build on 62 bits build agent but force them to take 32 bits MSBuild.exe to run this Build.
To do this we have to perform this.
Edit Build Definition
Processes ->Advance-> MSBuild Platform-> X86.

MD. Jawed

Monday, 27 August 2012

Script to installed Visual Studio 2008 SDK in Silent mode

Here is the script to installed Visual Studio 2008 SDK in Silent Mode:

@echo off

echo ========================================================

set application=Visual Studio 2008 SDK v 1.1


set sourceLocation="D:\Applications\Visual Studio 2008 SDK v 1.1\VsSDK_sfx1_1.exe"

set logFileLocation= "D:\Logs\Installations\Visual Studio 2008 SDK v 1.1.log"

echo Installing %application% ....

echo SourceLocation=%sourceLocation%

echo logLocation=%logFileLocation%

set dest="D:\Logs\VsSDK_sfx1_1.exe"

set destfolder="D:\Logs\"

set destMsi="D:\Logs\vssdk.msi"

IF EXIST %sourceLocation% goto run

echo sourceLocation doesnot exist

goto end

echo copying the exe file to local drive

copy %sourceLocation% %dest%

echo extrating the file

%dest% /x:%destfolder% /q
echo running the setup file now

msiexec /q /i %destMsi% /l*v %logFileLocation%



ECHO instalation done SUCCESSFULLY.

) ELSE (



echo ========================================================


 exit     ============= Thanks, Md. Jawed