Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Unit Testing Framework and Type of Assert.

Few days back i had prepared a presentation about Unit Testing Framework and Type of assert in MStest.
which i have collected from ms website.
i had arranged all this in images formates so that it would be easy to access.
Thought to share the same with all of you!!
Happy Reading!!

Slide 1: The Title

Slide 2: Unit Testing Framework

Slide 3: Attributes Used to Establish a Calling Order

Slide 4: Assert Type

Slide 5:StringAssert Type

Slide 5: CollectionAssert Type

Slide 6: The End

Your Comments are always welcome!!
Md. Jawed 

What ia dumb file and how to capture it.

A nice article to read about What is a dump, and how do I create one?

i found this while surfing..so thought to share with all of you!!


Using Visual studio you can capture the Dump file also.
make sure that under Debuge the Save Dump As menu item is added in visual atudio. if not then follow the below steps to add this menu item:

a. Select Tools -> Customize

b. Select the Commands tab

c. Select Debug from the Menu bar dropdown

d. Click Add Command...

e. Select Debug from the Categories list.

f. Find the Save Dump As entry in the Commands window.

g. Click OK (the Save Dump As... command is added to the top of the Debug menu).

h. Click Close

You can use the following steps to get a mini dump file:

1. Start Visual Studio.

2. Start another instance of VS.

3. In the second instance click Tools
Attach to Process...

4. In the list of processes locate devenv.exe.

5. Click Select... and explicitly choose 'Native' and 'Managed' code.

6. Click OK and OK to close Select dialog and Attach to Process dialog.

7. Go back to the first instance of VS and repro the crash\hang.

8. Upon the crash\hang, control should go to the second instance of VS.

9. In the second instance click Debug
Save Mini Dump (without heap).
